Z:\WORK\BLANK.MDB Tables (2/8/2018 1:28:14 PM)

tblCombo 3 recs
Values for combo boxes
PK: +Combo;+Code
ComboT 20Name of combo box
CodeT 5Value returned by combo box
DescripT 50Long description that appears in combo
Sort6Sort order for combo
SelY/NYes=Select this record for processing
CommentT 255Note about this record
UsrT 8User who last updated this record
UpdDateDateWhen record was last updated

tblContact 1 recs
Info about contacts
PK: +ContactID
ContactIDLongPrimary key
LastNameT 20Last name of contact
FirstNameT 15First name of contact
CompanyT 50Billing name of company
StreetT 50Street address of contact
CityT 20Citry of contact
StateT 2State of contact if USA
ZipT 10Zip/Postal code
HomePhoneT 14Home Phone number of contact
CellPhoneT 10Cell phone number of contact
WorkPhoneT 14Work phone number of contact
EmailT 50Contact's email address
InactiveY/NYes=Contact is no longer active
GroupT 50Marketing Group
CommentT 255Note about this contact
SelY/NYes=select this record for processing
UsrT 8UserID of person who last updated this record
UpdDateDateTime record was last updated

tblDI 2 recs
Data Integrity queries
PK: +DIQuery
DIQueryT 100Primary key
DIRecsLongCount of recs in query
Sort6Sort order of query
FixY/NYes=Fix w/qFix...
NoteT 255Copyright Agee Software, Inc., 2008
CommentT 255Text on how to Fix problems
TblT 20Table to open upon Sel
UpdDateDateWhen record was last updated

tblEval 4 recs
EvalIDLongPrimary key
PatientIDLongRelates to tblPatient
GroupT 50Please select a Group
EvalDateDateDate of eval. (m/d or m/d/yyyy. DblClick for today. Num */- to add/subtract a day)
CompleteY/NYes=Eval is complete
SelY/NYes=Select this record for processing
CommentT 255Note about this record
UsrT 8User who last updated this record
UpdDateDateWhen record was last updated

tblReport 1 recs
Report menu
PK: +ReportName
ReportNameT 50Primary key. Access report object name
ReportTitleT 50Title of report in combo
Sort6Sort order. 1.2 is between 1 and 2.
UpdDateDateWhen record was last updated

tblSetup 1 recs
SetupIDLongPrimary key
CompanyT 50Name of company
StreetT 50Company street for mailing address
CityT 20City in which Company is located
StateT 2State in which Company is located
ZipT 10Zip code for company
PhoneT 14Company phone number
FaxT 14Company Fax number
WebsiteT 50Company website
EMailT 50Company email address
ImportFolderT 50Folder where files are stored for import/export
ColorUsrLongForm color for normal user
ColorSuperLongForm color for super user
QuitT 255Message for users when super issues a forced quit command
Ver6Latest version of front end available for download
UsrT 8

tblUser 2 recs
Info about users
PK: +UserID
UserIDT 8Primary key
UserNameT 20First and last name of user
EMailT 50EMail address of user
PhoneT 14Phone number of user
CommentT 255Text about this user
SuperY/NYes=User can add/remove users
LimitedY/NYes=User has read only access
UsrT 8User who last updated this record
UpdDateDateTime record was last updated

7 tables

© 2008, Agee Software, Inc.