Agee Software, Inc.

Options to Framework database

  1. Invoice
    Works with services performed by 15 min intervals and materials sold. Combines with General Ledger to handle partial payments or payments for multiple invoices. Unpaid invoices and uninvoiced work appears on Accounts Receivable report. Clothing invoice supports model and size and RMA/Credit/NSF checks. Payments can be bundled. POS handles five open invoices, tender and supports multiple printers. Scrap supports digital signature, photo, driver license scan and two printers. Apt is simple one service, one payment invoice.
    (Also: Clothing, POS, Scrap, Apt )

  2. GL Form & Reports
    The general ledger form lets you track Accounts Receivable, assets, liabilities and equity on the Balance Sheet, Payroll including Social Security, Medicare and Federal Income Tax, Sales Tax, Unemployment Tax withholding, and transactions for any account in the Account table that you set up. A Payroll Detail report helps you file quarterly and annual reports quickly.
    (Also: Clothing, Medical, Svc, Charity, Phone )

  3. Log
    The Log form can maintain logs for multiple tables in the database. Users can only add or view log entries on records that they are authorized to edit. By default, only super users can delete a log entry. You can specify when a log entry becomes locked to users and super users.
    (Also: SBM, SocialServiceClinic, MLM, Cont, Clinic )

  4. Doc Form
    The Doc form stores links to files in a folder that are related to a record in a table. Set the DocFolder on the Setup form. Store documents in a consistent manner, for example AB001234.pdf, where AB is a code specifying the type of document, 1234 is the ID of the contact and .pdf is the file extension. Using a scanner that saves scanned documents under a consistent name and location like 0.pdf, makes implementing a paperless office easy.
    (Also: Clinic, Drug, SocialServiceClinic )

  5. Questionnaire
    Generic questions can be grouped into major categories or issues. You can specify the type of question from info text, yes/no, multiple choice letter, blank text field or a path to a document. Once you set up the questions, you can select them into a questionnaire and arrange them in the sort order you specify. The Realtor questionnaire gathers a Yes/No, text comment and who is responsible for each task. Each answer is timestamped so you can see which tasks are complete, which are incomplete and who is responsible.
    (Also: Realtor, Clinic / Physical, Audit, Medical )

  6. Appointment Schedule
    Schedule appointments at 15 minute intervals for up to 8 counselors. Adding an appointment makes an entry on the schedule. Making an entry on the schedule generates an appointment. Clinical and Medical schedules let you choose a practitioner and select patients for the time you estimate you will need for the task. The Service schedule lets you select the crew for a scheduled date.
    (Also: SocialService, Clinic, Svc, Medical )

  7. Recurring Schedule
    Schedule work orders one or more times per year, month or week or every x days, weeks or months. You can choose the days of the month or week for each service or for individual service location and crew.
    (Also: BldgMaint )

  8. MLM
    Track genealogy and downline to five levels plus three management levels based on sales or enrollments. Invoice fixed items or recurring subscriptions from product list. Handles mailed invoice and check or credit card, ACH or bank draft. Track membership and sponsorship expiration. Marketing groups let you track performance and provide offers to selected groups. Use FastCash to provide advance payment on initial sale. Print mailing labels, membership cards, late letters and termination letters.

  9. Word Letter
    Uses ASP like tags like <%=LastName%> to pull fields from any saved query and saves as an RTF. Compliance letter replaces up to 90 data fields like {LastName} with data in Word doc with graphics. Charity letter creates MyLetter.doc based on z:\LetterFolder\Letter.doc. Other apps export any report to .RTF without graphics.
    (Also: Compliance, Charity )

  10. Feature / Preference Match
    Set up features on the Setup, Feature form. Feature Type is C for ContactPreference, L for Location, P for PropertyFeature and U for UnitFeature. Open the Property form and select features for each property on the PropertyFeature form and for each unit on the UnitFeature form. Select preferences and location on the ContactFeature form. Click Preference to match the required criteria and as many of the preferred features as possible. Output the results on the Match report.

  11. Restore Deleted
    To undelete a record deleted from one of several tables in the database, select Del in the Table combo on the Setup form, select the records and click Restore. To restore a Service and its GL records in the Hospice app, view the Bak table to get the ServiceID, enter it in the ServiceID field of the Setup form and click Restore Deleted Service rec.
    (Also: WorkersComp )

  12. Multi Level Security
    Lets you limit access to employees, applicants and ex-employees by region, warehouse and department. Assigning warehouse=* to a user gives them access to all records in the region. They cannot see other regions. Users can only see reports for records that they can edit. Super users can only assign users to areas that they can edit.

    Church level security lets you set the confidentiality level of each issue to pastor, deacon or volunteer. Pastors can see all pastor and deacon issues, but deacons can't see pastor issues. Only super users can set the ContactType to pastor or deacon.

    Social Service Clinic security lets a super user assign uses to Clinic, Transitional Housing, Senior and Client Services. The super user must have clinic privilege to give clinic privileges. Only clinic users can see clinic patient records or reports. Users can protect log entries with transitional housing, senior or client service if they have the privilege. Users can only see reports on records they can edit.
    (Also: Church, SocialServiceClinic )

  13. ID/Signature Scanner
    Combines Topaz Systems signature scanner with scanned driver license and camera on point of sale PC to document transactions. Files are named and moved to correct folders automatically.

  14. Panel/Test
    Set up tests a lab does on the Test form. Select dozens of tests per panel. They appear on a checklist when you select that panel on the accession form. Check boxes or enter or import the results and they appear on the accession report. The Panel form lets you quickly edit the tests and accessions using that panel. You can set the Panel Type to summary or comprehensive for different layouts. You can also show individual tests on the accession or uncheck tests in a panel that were not run.

  15. Lattitude Longitude Distance
    Lets you easily summarize data for zip codes or lattitude/longitude within a radius of a location.